The Winslow Township Supervisors finalize the rate increase for Soldier Water customers

The Winslow Township Supervisors met on June 12 and gave final approval to an ordinance raising the water rate for customers in the Soldier Water and Sewer System.

The ordinance will raise the water rates by $20.00 a month setting the minimum monthly amount at $77 for 4,000 gallons but keeps the overage fee at $8.00 per month for every 1,000 gallons over the 4,000. The sewer rates will remain the same at $43.00 a month for 4,000 gallons. Customers should see the increase either on the July or August billing.

At the May meeting, Supervisor Robert Krajewski said that when the system was built around 2010, copper pipes were used. Because of the acidic aspects of the soil in areas of the old Soldier Coal Mines, those copper pipes have been leaking for the past several years.

At the June meeting, he said the copper pipes that run from the main line to the residential shut off are being replaced by a high grade plastic pipe that can withstand the acidic soil.

When asked by a resident if the $20 increase was enough to offset the higher costs caused by the leaks, Krajewski replied, “I hope so. It will sure help.”

The Soldier system gets its water from Sykesville. During times when leaks have caused higher water usage, the township has had to pay a penalty even though it was working to find and fix the leaks. After some discussion with residents at the meeting, the supervisors approved a motion to have the township solicitor review the current municipal agreement with Sykesville.

In other actions, the supervisors approved a resolution concerning liquid fuels tax funds from Jefferson County. The township is slated to receive $23,443. They also decided to review health care providers with eye toward saving money next year.

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