C.G. students put their principal on the roof

As students arrived at the C. G. Johnson Elementary School on March 15, they got a big surprise—their principal, Dr. Ed Dombroski, was on the roof.
Students and teachers gathered on the sidewalk in front of the school to witness Dr. Dombroski keep a promise. During Read Across America week, Dr. Dombroksi challenged the students to “read to the top of the school” by reading 923 books, which is the school’s address—923 Jackson Street.
The students accepted the challenge—and read 932 books.
Mrs. Elizabeth Saxman, Title I Reading Specialist at C.G., said the students were “super-excited” when they found out they exceeded their goal.
“Dr. Dombroksi talked over the PA system and you could hear the kids all over the school cheering,” she said.
So, on a sunny but windy day, Dr. Dombroksi got on the roof above the entrance and held up a sign that announced, “CG Rocks,” and the students waved, pointed, and cheered to celebrate their accomplishment.
To watch a video of the event, click here.