Jeff Tech Director named Reynoldsville Citizen of the Month

Reynoldsville Borough Council met on December 21 and named Dr. Barry Fillman Citizen of the Month.
Dr. Fillman is the director at Jeff Tech and has been a member of the Reynoldsville Water and Sewer Authority Board.
According to Borough Secretary Jacqueline Dixon, the council also repealed the Quality of Life Ordinance in favor of the International Property Maintenance Code. In previous Reynlow Community News reports, Council member and Code Enforcement Officer Nichole Walk requested this action to give code enforcement a more efficient way to deal with code violations.
The council also modified the current code governing animals in the borough to include rabbits.
Long time resident and business owner Frank Snyder was appointed to the Reynoldsville Area Industrial Development (RAID) Committee. Henry Deible was reappointed to the Water and Sewer Authority Board as was Council President William Cebulskie.
The next meeting is scheduled for January 2 at 6 pm. at the Reynoldsville Fire Hall.