Pine Hills residents in Winslow Township appeal to supervisors for help with water problems
The Winslow Township Supervisors met in regular session on July 12 without Robert Krajewski, who was on vacation. Supervisors Rick August and Ed Mohney handled routine business, but it was a request from the audience that took up most of the meeting’s discussion.
Gerry Kriner, a resident of the Pine Hills area of Winslow Township along Wayne Road, attended the meeting along with three other residents of that area to call the township’s attention to a severe water problem for some residents there. He brought along a sample of his water in a mason jar, water that was charcoal in color. He and other residents have had to drill several times over the past few years to get water.
During his presentation, he asked the township to help with getting water service to that area, but Supervisor August said the township could not do that due to the high cost and the fact the water would come from the Reynoldsville Water Authority, meaning the township would get nothing in return.
“We don’t own water,” August said.
It was recommended that Kriner and the others experiencing water problems in Pine Hills contact the water authority to see if it could provide help with getting water to them. Supervisors August and Mohney said the township would support their efforts.