Reynoldsville Veteran’s Park committee approves site plan, receives $3700 donations

The approved plan, which could still be changed depending on the site preparation.

A plan for the Reynoldsville Veteran’s Memorial Park on Main Street was approved at last night’s committee meeting.

The plan, submitted by Ray Bussard of DuBois, places the two cannons from the old Reynoldsville High School in the front with the Civil War monument just behind at the archway. The plan could be adapated as the work progresses.

The cannons have been moved from their location at the Reynoldsville Pool to the back of the memorial park site. Malone Enterprises LLC of Reynoldsville donated the equipment and manpower for that move and an estimated cost of about $5,000.

Gene Deible of the Reynoldsville Historical Society asked the associated cannonballs be placed with the cannons at the park. One set was located at the pool, but the location of the second set is unknown at this time.

The process site planning and preparation will begin this week. A tentative ground-breaking ceremony is planned for August 14, which is celebrated at VJ Day, victory over Japan in World War II.

The committee also organized, electing officers. Dan Edwards was named president, Ralph “Tucker” August vice president, and Janine Wolverton was named as secretary. Ken Snyder will remain on as treasurer.

Donations were received at the meeting. Donna Price of the Reynoldsville Community Association (RCA) presented a $1200 check which was raised as part of the RCA’s annual membership campaign, She also presented a check for $1000 from the Race for Reynoldsville, money that was raised before the event had to be canceled due to COVID-19.  An traditional $500 donation was also announced. Prior to the presentations, the committee had $13,966.80 on hand.

The next committee meeting is set for August 5 at 7 p.m. at the Reynoldsville American Legion.

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