Teacher who taught 50 years at Jeff Tech decides to retire; enrollment at the school increasing

The Jeff Tech Operating Committee meeting moved rapidly through its regular agenda on June 28, but it was the late agenda items that contained other than routine business.
The first added item was to accept the resignation for retirement of Ronald Doane, an English instructor at the school. That motion was approved with regret.
Donne, who was recently honored by the committee at its May meeting, has taught at the school for 50 years. Dr. Barry Fillman estimated that if Doane taught an average of 100 students per year, it would mean that about 5,000 students have attended his English class.
In his comments, Dr. Barry Fillman said that Doane “kind of came with the building.”
“I just want to acknowledge that showing up every day like he did for 50 years is remarkable, remarkable dedication to Jeff Tech,” Dr. Fillman commented.
The other late agenda item was to create an additional math/science position and hire Amber Siar to fill that position effective August 23. The reason cited was increased enrollment.
In his explanation, Dr. Fillman said that in the 2018-2019 school year, the school had 343 students. So far there will be 435 students with applications still coming in. The new position will help reduce class sizes in both the math and science departments since Siar is certified in both.
“We’re up 92 students and counting in a three year period, and we still expect more applications,” Dr. Fillman said.
Adult Education Coordinator Megan Bundy told Reynlow Community News that she’s seen a corresponding increase in the numbers of adult students attending courses at Jeff Tech.