Veterans memorial committee approves Eagle Scout project for the park (Updated 10/9/20)

The Reynoldsville War Memorial Park Committee at it’s regular meeting on October 7 approved an Eagle Scout project that will be included to the park.
Jonah Averill of Scout Troop 72 in Reynoldsville presented his idea of locating a drop box at the park where residents can place flags that need to be retired properly. The scouts would then retire the flags during the Red, White, and Blueberry Festival in July.
“On my way down Jackson Street today, I saw 15 American flags. Those flags are going to need to be retired eventually. This box represents a duty for the Boy Scouts to…retire (the flags) properly and respectfully,” Averill said.
The box requires a three foot by three foot slab of cement in an area that is easily accessible by residents.
Averill has already started to solicit donations of paint and materials. He has also been in contact with Jeff Tech for help with the painting. He estimates he’ll need to raise about $2000 dollars in materials and donations to complete the project, which he hopes will be in place by December of this year.
The committee approved his request and thanked him for his offer. There was also some discussion as to where the box will be located.
In other action, the committee discussed a Veteran’s Day program to be held at the park on November 11 beginning at 11 a.m. The DuBois Area Honor Guard has agreed to participate. Plans are to keep the ceremony brief while complying with outdoor Covid-19 restrictions. The Reynoldsville American Legion Ladies Auxilary is looking at providing a luncheon that day, but reservations would have to be made to keep the luncheon numbers in compliance with state Covid regulations.

Progress continues at the park. The Purple Heart monument has been placed on the site. Three more monuments are in production. There was also some discussion on the stone to be used for the wall between the Unimart convenience store and the park as well as at the entrance.
Auxiliary president Janine Wolverton reported that 69 memorial pavers have already been purchased for the park with 49 in production at Korb Monuments. Order forms are available at the Legion on Broadway Street.
The committee was also informed of the donation of over 100 Reynoldsville Pavers from the Overholser family of Reynoldsville, who found them while replacing their sidewalk on Jackson Street. It’s hoped those historic pavers can be used in the park.
The committee noted the receipt of $2715 in donations. Letters asking for support from local businesses and industries will be sent out soon.
Dave Wruble, owner of SubHub in Reynoldsville and a Coast Guard veteran, asked the committee if he could purchase plastic coverings for the poles on the sidewalk in front of the memorial. The committee accepted his offer. Those covers will be installed as soon as they arrive.
The next meeting was set for November 4 at 7 p.m. at the Reynoldsville American Legion.