Xtreme fundraiser hits $5,000.00

The Reynoldsville Rollerdrome Xtreme Hockey League benefit on January 26 raised $4,902.00, a record amount for the organization. It was only $98.00 away from $5,000.00. Now that amount has been reached in an unusual way.
In an email on January 27, Bob Anderson, who co-chaired the event with his wife Summer, related this story:
“I was at the YMCA this morning and a gentleman asked me how the tournament went. I told him we raised just shy of $5,000. He said how much do you need. I said $98. He said meet me in the parking lot when you’re done (usually that’s a bad sign). I walked out and he gave me the $98.”
Anderson credited the hard work of the volunteers, the generosity of the people in attendance, and the businesses who donated items for the auction for the success. He also thanked Dave and Jennifer Schuckers, who donated the use of the Reynoldsville Rollerdrome.
The event was held to benefit two-year-old Bentley Landis of DuBois and his parents. Bentley was diagnosed with leukemia.