State Representative Brian Smith says he plans to go ahead and introduce legislation returning the opening day of Buck Season in Pennsylvania back to the Monday after Thanksgiving. The Pennsylvania Game Commission moved the start of Buck Season to the Saturday after Thanksgiving back in 2019. In a phone conversation with Reynlow Community News (RCN),…
Author: reynlownews_yz750s
There were “Paws on the Ground” in Reynoldsville on the last day of February. The Pine Creek K-9 Search Unit team made up of Adam, Emily, Leslie, Millie, Nathan, Shaun, their dogs, and two tiny handlers-to-be (Children of Leslie and Adam) gathered near the Harry Kunselman Park in Reynoldsville for training exercises. This non-profit, all…
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) District 10 is holding a Public Plans Display Meeting in open-house format for the I-80 Brookville East Reconstruction project in Brookville Borough, Pine Creek Township and Rose Township, Jefferson County. The in-person meeting will be held at the Hickory Grove Elementary School, 104 Jenks Street in Brookville on March…
Before the meeting, art/math teacher Angela Dragich and two art students, Halee-Jeanne Postlewait and Megan Deemer, both from the Brookville School District, presented each member with a copy of a student-created book in honor of Career and Technical Education Month held in February. The Art Club plans to use the book as a fundraiser. During…
Before moving into its agenda, the DuBois Area School Board heard a presentation from four DuBois students who currently attend Jeff Tech in Reynoldsville. The students talked about their fields of study and what the school offers them in the way of practical education preparing them for a career. The presentations were in recognition of…
MRE. Meal Ready to Eat. It’s what our military personnel use out in the field when they get hungry. It’s easy to prepare and provides protein and other essentials, but they may not be the best when it comes to taste. That’s where the MRE Challenge comes in. Students in the Jeff tech Culinary Arts…
Reynoldsville Borough Council met in regular session on February 20 and was able to take care of business in a timely fashion. Borough Solicitor Joe Ryan told council that, based on his discussions with the state, which provided grant monies for the playground and parking lot, he believed that the Reynoldsville Volunteer Fire Department could…
In 2019, the Pennsylvania Game Commission switched the starting day for rifle antlered deer season from the Monday after Thanksgiving to the Saturday after the holiday—negatively impacting many long-standing hunting traditions and critical economic transactions that annually transpired the weekend before deer season. Talk about “Blue Mondays,” changing the opening day to Saturday has robbed…
Much of the work session of the DuBois Area School Board was devoted to the presentation of the upcoming 2023 -24 budget. The proposed budget was presented by District Business Manager Jeanette Buriak. The proposed budget shows expenses for the coming school year at approximately $67 million dollars compared to the $65 million the District…
The Winslow Township Supervisors met in regular session on February 13 and, for the first time, held their session in the recently completed meeting room. The site location plan for the Jeff Tech Farm to Refrigerator Training Facility was presented. The new building will be located across the access road to the lower parking lot…