Fire at Symmco plant in Sykesville brought under control quickly

Alarms sounded around 5 a.m. today for a fire at the Symmco plant in Sykesville.
Sykesville Fire Chief Kevin Yamrick said the fire was reported by workers at the plant, which is located across the street from the fire hall. The fire was above a furnace used to heat-treat materials.
Chief Yamrick said the fire was hard to get to since there was a layer of insulation, a metal roof, another layer of insulation, and then a rubber roof. Firemen cut a hole in the roof , but when it was exposed, the high winds blew sparks to another rubber roof nearby but were extinguished.
Volunteers were able to bring the fire under control in about 40 minutes. Damage estimates were set at $20-25,000.00
Chief Yamrick had praise for the employees at Symmco for their assistance during the fire. He also said the manpower response to the fire was great. There were no injuries.
Assisting Sykesville at the scene were units from Reynoldsville, Big Run, McCalmont Township, Punxsutawney, Brady Township, Sandy Township and DuBois.
Symmco designs and manufactures powdered metal components. According to one web site, it employs about 110 people. An expansion project for a new warehouse facility is underway and will employ about 8 additional people.
The plant was operating normally today.