Reynoldsville Borough Council meets

The Reynoldsville Borough Council met in regular session on May 22. Following about a twenty minute executive session, the council opened the meeting to public comment.
The first to speak were four Girl Scouts from the Reynoldsville-Sykesville Cadette Girl Scout Troop 28201 who informed the council about their Silver Award Project.
Madison Ross, Emma Roy, Chloe Sawyer, and Taylor Roy talked about S’More Reading Little Free Library located at the Presbyterian Church in Reynoldsville where residents can take a book or leave a book. The scouts plan to place another free library in DuBois near Juniata Lake.
Also during public comment, Stacy Snedden once again asked council to get the crosswalks on Main Street painted. She addressed the same topic at the April meeting. Council members expressed their support and said they would try to get it done as soon as possible.
New council member Zach Garman spoke and provided a brief introduction about himself. He talked about being a lifelong resident and added, “I love my town.” He added that a rumors about him and his residency were not true.
Mayor Mark August spoke and asked borough Secretary Jacqueline Dixon to write an Agility Agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) for Tenth Street. Borough crews have routinely provided winter maintenance on the road.
During the regular agenda, the council acknowledged a gift to the Reynoldsville Pool from O’Bryon Eye Associates in the amount of $1929.56.
Council member Nichole Walk brought up a situation with security cameras at the borough park. She said they are hard to access and not showing the right time. She added one of the cameras is not working. This caused a problem when Borough Police Officer Sergeant Tammy Murray was trying to investigate incidents at the park.
Some discussion then took place as to the status of the park since the Reynoldsville Volunteer Fire Department is in the process of trying to take over the park. That effort is awaiting state approval. There was no word at the meeting on the status of that request since Borough Solicitor Joe Ryan was not in attendance. It was agreed that the camera situation needs to be investigated.
At the end of the meeting, Mayor August announced that the Homecoming Celebration will held held August 17, 18 and 19 and that PennDOT has given permission for Main Street to be closed from Fourth to Fifth Streets.
The council voted to recess this meeting and meet again Friday morning to approve paving bids.