Reynoldsville woman wins state-wide Jaycee award

The 2020 (and currently the 2021) DuBois Jaycee President, Sheri Price was named as one of the “Dare To” award recipients from State President Neil Hanes at the Virtual award presentation held on Friday, Jan. 29th.
According to Hanes, “The Dare To Award encompasses many attributes some of which include overcoming adversity, evolving as a leader, facing the pandemic as a hurdle that can be jumped over rather than feared, and made their Chapter better because they stepped up to the challenge that was 2020.
Price faced a challenge in the first year of her presidency like many other State Presidents in Pennsylvania when it came to the coronavirus pandemic. While she knew it was going to be rough to hold fundraisers that were safe during a worldwide pandemic, Price didn’t let deter her or her membership from their mission in serving their community.
Over the course of 2020, the DuBois Jaycees were able to do a drive-by Easter Egg Hunt, a gift card tree raffle, virtual scholarship interviews, held their Golf Scramble for Scholarship and partnered with the DuBois Chamber for theirs, did a Virtual Cash Bash in lieu of their normal reverse lottery and held both their Thanksgiving Dinner deliveries and Christmas Shopping spree for local families. In some cases, their events were better attended and raised more funds than in previous “normal” years.
“I am so humbled to be one of three local Jaycees chapter presidents to receive a 2020 “Dare To” Award from the Pennsylvania Jaycees. This award was presented to a few of us who dared to be innovative, dared to persevere, and dared to let nothing stop us,” Price said of receiving this award.
The phrase, “Dare To,” came from State President Neil Hanes’ slogan during his tenure as the PA Jaycees State President. His motto was a reminder that you can do anything when you dare to challenge yourself and not let fear stop you from something that seems impossible. That is why he created the award for those who ‘dared to’ step out of their comfort zone and become a leader among their community and their Chapter.